Friday, October 8, 2010

more questions than answers

Am I happy?
Could I be happier?
Should I be doing something else with my life?
Like what?
Where will I be in 5 years?  10?
Should I continue to take classes in graphic design?
Do I have talent?
Will I be able to make a living in graphic design?
What about photography?
Should I take classes in photography?
How do I pay for classes?
Should I stay in education because it's more secure?
Should I find a new job?
Can I find a new job?
Am I exactly where I need to be?
Should I make any changes?
What kind of changes?  And when?
Should I move out of Orange County?
to L.A.?   to S.D.?  to Barcelona?
Will I ever fall in love again?
Will I ever get married again?
Will I have a baby?
Can I have a baby?
Do I want a baby?
What should I do today?
Should I go out tonight?
Who should I go out with tonight?
Will I have fun if I go out?
Will I be bored if I stay in?



  1. i like this post!!! very interesting perspective on your life. i wish i could help you answer some of them. so creative.

  2. I say go out! You can't hold yourself back. Just put good vibes out into the world and it will all come together! Obsess about what you love to do and it will become a career...if you want it to!
